
Oxnard College to Get Nearly $15 Million for 2 New Buildings


After years of holding classes in makeshift buildings, Oxnard College is to receive state funding to construct a gymnasium and a letters and science building.

“This is the kind of shot in the arm Oxnard College has needed for quite a while,” said Pete Tafoya, president of the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees. “For the last 10 years, the college has been sitting there dormant. Now it’s getting ready to bloom.”

College officials received word last week that the state will provide nearly $15 million for the two buildings.


Although college officials had anticipated that the gymnasium would get the go-ahead, they were surprised that the letters and science building was also approved this year. They had thought that the building would not come up for state consideration until next year.

Officials said the timing is perfect.

“We’re bursting at the seams,” said Greg Stone, the college’s director of institutional advancement.

Groundbreaking for the gymnasium is scheduled in late spring. Officials said they are unsure when construction will start on the letters and science building. They are still waiting to review state timetables for allocation of funds.

Until about a year ago, construction projects at the campus had nearly stopped, forcing officials to cram classes into existing and temporary buildings.

Some faculty complained that Oxnard was treated as if it were the stepchild of the Ventura County Community College District. It was underfunded and underdeveloped compared to Moorpark and Ventura colleges, they said.

But Oxnard College officials received some encouragement when the state approved nearly $2 million for construction of a child-care center scheduled to open at the end of the month.


Now with one new building completed and two others in the works, college President Elise D. Schneider said Monday that she is thrilled with the recent progress.

“This will enable Oxnard College to become a comprehensive community college like our two sister colleges,” Schneider said.

With the new gymnasium, Tafoya said, the school will be able to expand its athletic program and attract more students. Now, the school’s basketball team is playing outdoors, he said.

“It’s going to be a major, major element for the school,” Tafoya said. “Physical education and sports remind the community that they have a school in the area, especially if the sports teams are doing well.”

Officials hope enrollment at the 5,500-student campus will increase to 7,000 by the end of the year.

But even with recent developments, more construction is needed, Tafoya said. According to the college’s master plan, the campus will only be half-built once the new gymnasium and letters and science building are completed. About 10 buildings still are needed, he said.
