
Homosexuality Draws Opposition

From Religious News Service

Southern Baptist leaders, provoked by reports that two Southern Baptist congregations are considering steps to sanction homosexual rights, moved quickly this week to condemn homosexuality and to bar congregations from showing approval.

The leaders, more than 70 members of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, began a process of constitutional change aimed at requiring congregations to oppose homosexuality as a condition of membership in the denomination.

They also adopted a resolution singling out the two congregations they regard as errant, asserting that “God regards homosexuality as a gross perversion and unquestioned sin.”


The congregations prompting outrage are Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh, N.C., and Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church in Chapel Hill, N.C.

The church in Raleigh plans to vote soon on whether to give its blessing to a union of two gay men signifying their commitment to be caring and monagamous. The ballot will also ask whether church membership should be open to all regardless of sexual orientation.

The congregation in Chapel Hill is preparing to vote on whether to license as a preacher a member who is openly gay. Deacons of the church have decided the sexual orientation of the preacher, John Blevins, 24, should pose no barrier to his being licensed.

The proposed constitutional change was referred to a subcommittee for recommendations.
