

Compiled by Anne Michaud / Times free-lance writer

AdClub Job Bank: In response to the heavy loss of jobs among its members, the Orange County AdClub formed a volunteer job bank in early December--and, so far, has placed five people in new jobs, said Denise Federspiel, who runs the job bank. Estimates are that 4,000 people out of about 11,000 once employed in the local industry lost jobs due to the recession.

About 40 of them have sent resumes to Federspiel at the job bank. She said she would like to hear from more potential employers who need advertising, marketing and public relations specialists. The number is (714) 838-5175.

Federspiel, herself an out-of-work AdClub member, volunteered to run the job bank hoping, in part, that she would find a job. She did find work writing copy for J.C. Penney, but not through the job bank.
