
Gay Wedding


Re “Christian Against Christian,” Platform, Feb. 19:

Thank God, literally, for the Rev. George Regas of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena. His generous, all-inclusive church policy most truly represents the benign and loving substance of which genuine faith is composed. Such policy is, of course, in direct and sharp contrast to the judgmentality promoted by anti-gay biblical literalists.

The fundamentalist Christian group that disrupted Regas’ service on Feb. 2 should be ashamed of itself. Groups like these love to assert that they are the victims of religious persecution. However, they apparently have no qualms about persecuting the leader and members of another congregation.

Some of the protesters carried signs with the buzz-phrase “God made Adam and Eve--not Adam and Steve.” I believe that God makes every one of us as is, gays and lesbians included. All those who bear the name Adam were made by God, as was yours truly, whose name is Steve. So God did, indeed, make Adam and Steve.


What’s worse than dying from AIDS? Living with the delusion that the earthly representation of God’s will and works is best served by beating up on gay and gay-supportive people. Said delusion is a serious soul-threatening blunder.

