
CHATSWORTH : Fatal Laughing Gas Was Stolen, Police Conclude


Two tanks of nitrous oxide, the so-called laughing gas linked to the accidental deaths of three young men last week in Chatsworth, were stolen a month earlier from Holy Cross Medical Center where one of the victims formerly worked, police said Tuesday.

The two 80-pound tanks found with the victims Friday did not carry individual serial numbers but by asking area hospitals to inventory their cylinders, police were able to determine the tanks were the two stolen Feb. 19 from Holy Cross, investigators said.

The three men were found dead of apparent asphyxiation in a pickup truck cab parked on Topanga Canyon Boulevard.


The victims were identified as Michael Cook, 23, of Sherman Oaks, Matthew Champy, 21, of Woodland Hills and Richard Dellavechia, 20, of Sepulveda. Holy Cross officials said Cook worked as a maintenance worker at the hospital until October.
