
Catholics and Welfare Reform


In response to Tom Bethell’s Column Right, “The Church Needs a Dose of Reality,” March 1:

I read with distress the column by Bethell. Two statements were especially worrisome: “Health care benefits come with the welfare package . . . a low-paying job involves the prospect not merely of going to work . . . but also the loss of those services. . . . The only way to correct this is to reduce the overall value of welfare benefits.” And “Mahony also approaches the line separating church and state in urging ‘people to register and vote in this election year.’ ”

Has this gentleman not considered that providing health care, a livable wage and adequate child care might do more to encourage persons to return to the work force than cutting welfare benefits?

Since when is it inappropriate to urge citizens to exercise their right to vote as opposed to telling people how to vote?


This type of commentary does nothing constructive toward solving the immense problems of poverty, unemployment and moral destitution, which beleaguer our state and country.


