
Administration’s Aid to Iraq


Your excellent exposition and a follow-up article (“U.S. Gave Data to Iraq 3 Months Before Invasion,” March 10) on the duplicity of the Bush Administration vis-a-vis Saddam Hussein so shortly before the onset of hostilities and a Commentary piece by the respected Edward N. Luttwak (“A Perfect Crisis for Bush to Show That He Is a Tough Guy”) clashed so hard one could almost hear it before opening the paper.

Luttwak’s views from the outset had been to take a tough and demonstrative line with Hussein. I am surprised that he now suggests, knowing the hypocrisy of the Administration, that there is a true saving grace for the President.

But what is more disturbing is that the revelations you have produced have been responded to so mildly in this presidential campaign year. If true, and I cannot believe you could be that far off the mark, these are impeachable acts without question. These are the kinds of acts for which courageous members of the armed services who went to willingly to the Persian Gulf should rise up and demand explanation, if even that were adequate.


There are many who still believe that Hussein knew all along he would remain in power but did not have this kind of evidence to back it up. There are many who could not understand why Hussein did not embarrass us when we were building up assault forces but before we had enough to attack. Perhaps, with your amazing revelations, we have an answer.


