
Aerospace Job Losses in State


Your front-page story was on aerospace job losses’ impact on our economy. You also had a story about Dan Quayle coming to Little Saigon to tell the local refugees about his stance on a situation that will be resolved by the English, Hong Kong and the Chinese.

Unless I am mistaken, Quayle is head of the space program. I am sure that he could better spend his time in our area explaining why our contracts are being drained away and why this area is getting beat up so badly by his Administration.

Bush recently ran on extensively about his support for our future space station, heavy-lift launch system, the national aerospace plane and other future programs. As a newly laid-off engineer with 29 years in the industry, I am fully aware that none of these programs are being funded beyond the study stage and NASA is becoming like a black hole collapsing in on itself.



