
Tavris on War Between the Sexes


In Response to Carol Tavris’ two-part series on “Perspective on the Sexes,” Commentary, March 10-11:

What Tavris inexplicitly points to in her columns is that gender (not to be confused with biological sex) is a socially constructed phenomenon. Women are expected to be passive, incompetent, modest, etc., while the prescribed characteristics for men are dominance, competence, self-advocacy, etc. This categorization of behavioral expectations that is based on people’s sex inherently creates a relationship of subordination-domination between women and men. Non-assimilation to the norm as prescribed to one’s sex is met with social exclusion and marginalization.

Thus, both sexes are affected and controlled by the social constructions of gender; however, it is women who occupy the subordinate role in this scheme. Both men and women should work toward breaking down this rigid social structure, as both sexes stand to benefit from the lifting of such compulsory roles and behaviors.


