
Bush Quits as Women’s Coach at USC, Apologizes for Remarks


Jim Bush, USC track coach, has stepped down as coach of the women’s track team, it was announced Friday. Barbara Edmonson, who has coached the Trojan male and female sprinters, became head women’s coach. Bush will continue as head coach of the men’s team.

Bush, in his second year at USC after coaching for 39 years at UCLA, apologized for comments that appeared in Friday’s editions of The Times, in which he said that female athletes were more emotional and more difficult for him to coach than men.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. April 5, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday April 5, 1992 Southland Edition Sports Part C Page 9 Column 1 Sports Desk 1 inches; 33 words Type of Material: Correction
Jim Bush--A story that appeared in Saturday’s editions said Jim Bush coached track at UCLA for 39 years. Bush coached at UCLA for 20 years, for three years at Occidental, two years at Fullerton College and seven years at Fullerton High.

In a written statement Bush called his comments “uninformed, insensitive and inappropriate.”


Edmonson, also in her second year at USC, is a two-time U.S. Olympian and former world record-holder. She will continue to coach the male sprinters.

Said USC Athletic Director Mike McGee: “This is an appropriate move. I was very disappointed with Coach Bush’s comments because they unquestionably do not represent the position of anyone in the USC athletic department.”
