
Dorsey High


It was with sadness and anger that I discovered your article (March 25) had linked the tragic death of Dorsey High School student Wilfred Wright with the forfeit of the Dorsey-Banning football game five months earlier. The only link that exists between these two events is the name of the school.

A high school community is a small town, subject to the victories and upheavals every city experiences. The morale and self-image of the Dorsey High community have been undermined by forces that are often beyond the school. Yet the wonderful students, dedicated educators and caring parents remain united, with pride and dignity, unwilling to allow a series of unfortunate events to destroy their aspirations.

As this school continues its curricular and extracurricular achievements and to increase the number of students who matriculate to two- and four-year colleges, it finds itself maligned, in the media’s effort to focus on the negative aspects of society and the violence perpetrated by a small percentage of adolescents.


I hope our reaction to the news coverage of this incident will help sensitize reporters to the importance of not leading your readers to incorrect conclusions about isolated events that are completely separated by time, place and circumstance.

DAN ISAACS, Assistant Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District
