
Smog Trade-Offs


The Commentary piece “Smog Trade-Offs: Devil Is in Details” (March 12) accurately pointed out that further development is needed in the enforcement mechanisms for the Regional Clean Air Incentives Market program (RECLAIM), approved in concept by the South Coast Air Quality Management District governing board on March 5. But our emissions monitoring and computer information management systems are much further along than the writers suggested.

First, contrary to the claim that we cannot match emissions with permit files, we can computer-match actual company emissions with their permits.

Second, our new continuous emissions monitors, which are being linked directly to our central computer, allow us to detect violations of emissions limits instantaneously.


Finally, we will not proceed with the RECLAIM program until we are sure we can enforce the required emissions reductions. But we have great confidence that the technology to do so is at hand.

JAMES M. LENTS, Executive Officer

South Coast Air Quality

Management District, Diamond Bar
