
Zoning Changes, Homeless Shelters and Their Neighbors


The Santa Monica City Council wants to quietly change all of the local zoning so that at any location in any neighborhood, homeless shelters can be constructed. The surrounding neighbors would have no say in any aspect of the shelter’s construction or its operation, and would be unable to appeal at any level, even to the Planning Commission.

Being so totally locked out of the decision process is extremely unfair and dangerous to the families who would have to live next-door to one of these shelters. Must more rapes, stabbings and murders occur before the Santa Monicans for Renters Rights City Council majority begins protecting the safety and civil rights of the citizens who pay their salaries?

Wake up, Santa Monica voters! This isn’t democracy, it’s communism. How much more of an unflushed toilet must Santa Monica become before we decide to throw out this bum City Council?



Santa Monica
