
Administration Deceiving Public


As a physician concerned with the welfare of my patients, I am outraged that the Bush Administration is using political doublespeak to conceal the devastating effect that the “gag rule” will have on American women.

The “gag rule” forbids health-care professionals in federally funded family planning clinics from providing women with full information about abortion. On March 20, the White House issued guidelines saying that the gag rule is lifted for doctors. That is not true. Even doctors will not be permitted to refer a woman to an abortion clinic--even if the woman requests such a referral.

The narrow exception for physicians, allowing them to give pregnant women medical information about abortion, is of no use to the many millions of young and low-income women who rely on nurse practitioners and other professionals for their health care.


In this election year, the White House is desperate to create the illusion that the gag rule has been lifted. The American public should not be deceived; the gag remains firmly in place, and millions of American women will suffer the consequences.

I hope that everyone who has ever depended on the advice of a health-care professional--as well as professionals in every field who rely on their freedom to exercise their judgment and expertise--will demand that Congress overturn the gag rule.


Medical director

Planned Parenthood/

Orange & San Bernardino Counties
