
Secular Jews Deserve Rabbis’ Blessing


I was delighted to read the article on the secular Seder held at the Orange County Kinderschule. I am one of the leaders of the largest secular Jewish organization in Orange County, the Society for Humanistic Judaism. We are part of a national organization and a worldwide movement of like-minded Jews who proudly celebrate our Jewish identity, culture and history, but are not religious. We believe our humanistic approach to Judaism has roots firmly grounded in Jewish history and tradition.

That is why I found the comments made by Rabbis (Bradley Shavit) Artson and (David) Eliezrie disturbing. By denying the possibility for pluralism in Jewish life, by insisting that the only way to be Jewish is to be religious, they will continue to alienate more and more secular Jews who no longer follow the religious traditions.

Since it is likely that the majority of Jews in the world today are non-religious, religious Jews must acknowledge the validity of secular Judaism as another path for Jewish survival. Groups such as ours and the Kinderschule are the way to maintain the allegiance of Jews estranged from religion who want to retain their ethnic identity. Instead of disavowal and non-acceptance, they should welcome our existence into the Jewish family.



Laguna Beach
