
Judge’s Plea for Legal Drugs Pleases Some, Irks Others


As a former probation officer of many years, I absolutely agree with Judge James Gray (“Legalizing Sale of Drugs Proposed by O.C. Judge,” April 9).

Who can argue that the use of drugs is any more a criminal problem than the use of alcohol and nicotine, except by definition? Addiction should be treated as a psychological/medical problem.

One can argue that drug sales are a crime--not a medical problem--but this crime too only exists because of the law. I’ve seen too many young women driven into prostitution and shoplifting, going to jail, in and out for 90-day stints, and eventually on to prison, because their addiction was treated as a crime. They become diseased, broken, angry, more as a result of the justice system than the drugs they use.


Certainly I would expect sheriffs and presiding judges to be indignant that Judge Gray broke ranks. Like other politicians, their budgets, their empires must be protected. Think about it. How many positions could be cut from the sheriff’s empire, how many tax dollars from his budget, if their war on drugs was eliminated? Ditto for the courts.

Sheriff Brad Gates’ cheap shot, “What was this guy smoking?” is the type of unprofessional response one would expect only from the worst stereotype of an ignorant cop. His demand for Judge Gray to recant or else smacks of the inquisition.

Hang tough, Judge Gray. There are more responsible taxpayers than you might suppose who are not ready to buy the propaganda of politicians and bureaucrats on this particular issue.


Laguna Beach
