
Chamber Offers Kits for Business Managers


Kits containing government forms, labor-law guidance, employee posters, tax withholding schedules and other material essential to business managers are being offered for sale by the Port Hueneme Chamber of Commerce.

The kits, produced by the California Chamber of Commerce, provide step-by-step guidance in complying with a variety of state and federal regulations, according to Pat Zanuzoski, executive manager of the Port Hueneme chamber.

“We’ve had business people tell us these kits have saved them many hours of running from one agency to another,” Zanuzoski said.


She said all three kits include “Starting and Succeeding in Business: A Guide for the California Entrepreneur,” a booklet produced by the California Commission for Economic Development.

The kits and their prices, including postage and handling, are:

* “Business Start-Up Kit for Employers,” $40.

* “Business Start-Up Kit for Sole Proprietors/Partnerships,” $35.

* “Business Start-Up Kit for Corporations,” $35.

Members and non-members can order the kits from the Port Hueneme chamber, 220 N. Market St., Port Hueneme 93041. For information, call (805) 488-2023.
