
‘Rabble Rouser’ Prompts Disgust, Disdain


I hold special disdain for people like Ben Dobbs (“Rabble Rouser From the Left,” April 21). His enthusiasm for the “Soviet experiment” and other romanticizing of an era that produced unspeakable atrocities for its people are beyond disgust. As to the excuse that he “wasn’t told the facts,” I simply will not buy (it). People coming into this country from the Soviet Union did communicate the truth about what took place there.

My father, a major land and factory owner during the 1930s (not all land or factories were nationalized by the Soviets at that time), founded schools, training programs and hospitals for his workers. He was arrested and hung from a meat hook to die a slow death in a slaughterhouse. The rest of my family was murdered by Soviets during the 1940s. This might explain why I am not exactly enthusiastic about Ben Dobbs and his comrades.


