
Debate Over Abortion


Sadly, I have followed the issue surrounding the Roe vs. Wade controversy and its attendant maelstrom since I came to this country from the U.K. in 1988. What is most shameful is that, as with almost every major issue in the news--be it the death penalty or U.S. foreign policy--the issues are buried beneath the virulent polarity of opinions.

The “pro-lifers” on the right seem more consumed with the idea of scoring some sort of moral victory over the supposed “murderers” on the left, and both sides appear more concerned with winning than dealing with the issue. When will the shrieking idiots on both sides of the argument devote their energies toward real education about family planning and the provision of proper, readily available contraception to both men and women, in a concerted effort to drastically reduce the necessity for terminated pregnancies? No woman or man on this Earth would willingly choose termination over prevention. That, I believe, is the real issue of choice.


Los Angeles
