
Senior Discounts


Right on! (to Mariann M. Coulson, April 5 Letters). Coulson has the guts to point out what I think every time I see “senior discount,” wherever it occurs.

It should be pointed out that discounts enjoyed by a few are paid for by the many, and this particular favoritism pales in comparison to the preferential treatment the elderly enjoy when it comes to property tax codes and the selling of homes. If Proposition 13 isn’t overturned by the Supreme Court, it will have more to do with the advanced age of the justices than any other factor.

The biggest thing that gets to me is the paying of Social Security benefits to the richest segment of our society: people who don’t remotely need assistance and have assets far beyond what people under 30 can ever dream of accruing. Woe to the young person who thinks this society considers him anything more than a revenue generator for the establishment.


