
Candidate Agran Now Eligible for Matching Funds

Associated Press

Democrat Larry Agran on Thursday became the 10th presidential candidate to qualify for federal matching funds as the Federal Election Commission approved his request for $100,000.

Agran, 47, the former mayor of Irvine, Calif., will get his first installment of federal campaign money in early June, the commission reported.

To become eligible for federal matching funds, candidates must raise $100,000 on their own by collecting $5,000 in 20 different states in amounts of no more than $250 from any individual.


The FEC announcement said that Agran had met this threshold requirement.

Agran, an attorney, campaigned in some primaries this year as a Democratic candidate. He has focused on urban issues during his campaign.

Candidates previously certified as eligible for matching funds were Democrats Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr., Bill Clinton, Lenora B. Fulani, Tom Harkin, Bob Kerrey, Paul E. Tsongas and L. Douglas Wilder; and Republicans Patrick J. Buchanan and President Bush.
