
Suspects Arrested in Denny Beating


Now the alleged perpetrators of the beating of Reginald Denny have been apprehended. The media coverage and the videotape were used to draw parallels to the beating of King, but there are some striking differences.

King’s attackers were trained professionals, surrounded by witnesses, all paid by the taxpayers. Not one witnessing officer intervened to rescue King. At the end of the beating, when the victim was hog-tied, several officers came forward to put their foot on the victim in a ritualistic act of conquest. His attackers then went to the hospital and taunted him there, laughing about using him like a baseball.

Denny’s attackers were outraged and irrational young black men, who struck with fury, then withdrew. Other black folks rescued him and took him to the hospital on their own.


Within the black community there was a difference of opinion on the expression of outrage that erupted at Florence and Normandie. But there was a unanimous decision by the LAPD to abuse Rodney King, and then to lie about it.

We will now see what people of color are never allowed to forget. In America, when black people are hurt, it’s really not a crime, but when whites are hurt the perpetrators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

It’s called white supremacy.


Los Angeles
