
On Scale of 1 to 10, His Clout’s Zero

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We got a look at what it’s like to be a film critic who’s lost his clout at the press screening of “Alien 3” Monday night. The pontificator without a podium was Gary (A Man With a Scale) Franklin, who gave up his position at KABC four months ago to work in Germany. He recently returned to Los Angeles after he found der job war nicht perfekt.

But just when Franklin thought it was safe to venture back into the L.A. entertainment biz, Hollywood’s fickle nastiness reared its ugly head: The former critic wasn’t given one of the seats reserved for VIPs and critics. “I kind of like this,” said a snide studio staffer. “You don’t have to be nice to him.”

Alien Sightings

At the industry screening of “Alien 3” the next night, the lights dimmed and ominous music filled the theater. “I’m scared already,” said one woman. “Don’t worry,” replied her friend. “There aren’t that many agents here.”

Round Trip Only, Please

On the subject of life and death in Los Angeles, this is the best line Buzz has heard recently over coffee: “It’s not that I’m afraid of dying, it’s just that I’d like to use all my frequent flyer miles first.”


Pinning Hopes

Buzz noticed a good socially conscious trend the other night at the BMI’s Pop Awards dinner. As guests queued up for their table cards, they were able to dip into a bowl holding ready-made red ribbon pins, which signify support for people with AIDS and AIDS causes. Perhaps it’s a sign that the custom is spreading after guests wore the ribbons at the Academy Awards ceremony in March.
