
Johnson’s Foe Rebuts Article

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A Times article “Challenger Hopes to Tap Anti-Incumbent Fever” (May 23) badly misstated my positions regarding poverty by misquoting me, and in addition it made light of the charges of election fraud and conspiracy against Assemblyman Ross Johnson, submitted to the district attorney and being presented to the grand jury. Johnson’s quoted statement that “he and his wife live on weekends in a room at an aide’s apartment” only supports our charges. Further, he’s lying, as evidence will prove.

As to poverty, I never stated that all “the impoverished are made up of the thoughtless, the reckless people of the state.”

What I have said is that poverty is often self-perpetuating; that too many on welfare who are thoughtless, careless and irresponsible have children, (and) that they cannot afford and continue their cycle of poverty, adding to their plight and to our burden.


Your misquote would indicate that I believe that all who are impoverished in this state are thoughtless or irresponsible.

As a first-generation American born into a family of meager circumstances, I resent and reject the misquote.

In addition, you misquoted my remark about welfare babies.

I stated that those having children on welfare are saying, in effect, “We’re going to have this baby and you’re going to pay for it.”


And yes, I did distinguish between the “jungle” and a progressive civilized society.


