
PIERCE COLLEGE : Help Given for Final Exam Jitters


In an effort to ease students’ “final exam jitters,” the Pierce College Associated Students Organization sponsored a Jitters Lab through the end of last week.

The lab, which was located in the organization’s trailer, was “a quiet place to go to study, eat, listen to music or just sit down and relax,” said Judy Ponsor, student government adviser.

“Jitters Lab was set up by the ASO approximately four years ago because students are under a tremendous amount of stress during finals,” said Michael Marker, trailer manager.


“The cafeteria is crowded with students cramming for exams and there is no other place on campus for them to just sit down and relax.”

The lab received a positive response from students, he said.

“I’ve seen as many as 200 students come through here at Jitters Lab time,” Marker said. “The students help each other out by offering their support.”

The lab, which was open finals week from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, offered free coffee, tea, hot chocolate and bagels to the students.

“Counselors and instructors usually come by and offer their help,” Ponsor said. Sometimes even the college president or vice president drops by.
