
Richard Has Supporters--and Detractors


Your article glorifying Mr. Isaac Richard is deeply resented by many of the residents of this area.

A good reporter carefully researches before writing such an article. Had you done so, you would realize the amount of damage your piece on Mr. Richard has done to the cause of getting this destructive man out of office.

Don’t take my word for this. After all, I’m white. Interview the black leaders in Northwest Pasadena and learn how hateful, racist and mean this man is. Talk to the police officers who put their lives on the line up in Richard’s district and find out how he tries to block their efforts.


Mr. Richard is correct when he says he does not think about being reelected. If it wasn’t such a cumbersome operation to recall a councilperson, Mr. Richard would have been recalled. There are still several efforts being made to get him out of office for the simple reason the City Council has been virtually at a standstill since he joined the group.

Your article makes it sound like he stands for noble things. Hogwash; his entire purpose is to promote Isaac Richard and make a name for himself like (Pasadena activist Michael) Zinzun. He has even threatened to sue the city like this other character.


