
COUNTYWIDE : $290,000 Raised for High School Arts


Despite the recession, the Orange County High School of the Arts Foundation managed to raise close to $290,000 this past school year for the high school’s arts students, Foundation Treasurer George West reported.

West presented the Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Trustees last week with a check for $49,000 that will help fund operation of the specialized arts school, which is on the Los Alamitos High School campus.

“What your group has done is phenomenal, particularly during the recession,” School Board President Jeanne Flint told West as she accepted the checks. “It’s obvious you have some real fans in the community.”


The foundation’s fund raising has grown steadily over its four years of existence, from only $38,000 raised in 1989-90 to nearly eight times that amount this year.

A February auction raised $80,000 alone. The auction and other fund-raising events bring in about 52% of the foundation’s revenue.

The rest comes from grants, civic and corporate donations, as well as pledges from parents and other members of the community.

The foundation’s goal is to raise $318,000 next year, West said.

The Orange County High School of the Arts opened in 1987 with about 125 students and this year had 400 music, drama, dance and art students from Orange and Los Angeles counties.
