
Clippers Make Another Switch: They Go From KRLA to KMPC


The Clippers not only got three No. 1 draft choices Wednesday, they also switched radio stations.

The Clippers, formerly on KRLA, have signed a three-year contract with KMPC.

“Considering the promotional aspects, this is an ideal situation,” said Andy Roeser, the Clippers’ executive vice president in charge of business operations.

Roeser said the team, as it did with KRLA, will buy the air time and sell the advertising, thus ensuring KMPC of a profit. “KMPC is guaranteed to win,” he said.


With KMPC also carrying UCLA basketball, as well as the Angels and Rams, there figures to be a few conflicts.

Roeser said the Clippers will work with KMPC in keeping any conflicts with other teams on KMPC to a minimum.

Bill Ward, KMPC general manager, said: “When there are conflicts, we will farm out one of the broadcasts to another station. We’ve been doing farm-outs for years. I don’t see it as a problem.”

For home games, the plan is to go right from Jim Healy’s 5:30 show to an “NBA Tonight” program, done live from the Sports Arena from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by the Clipper pregame show.

Play-by-play announcer Ralph Lawler said: “You couldn’t ask for a better lead-in than Jim Healy. You don’t have to ask listeners to switch over, they’ll already be there.”
