
WESTMINSTER : EPA to Seek Input on Former Dump Site

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Representatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will conduct a community meeting on July 8 to discuss the progress of investigations on a site that was once a dumping ground for toxic wastes.

The meeting will discuss the situation at a 73-home subdivision near the San Diego Freeway at Golden West Street that has been designated a federal Superfund cleanup site. From 1936 to the early 1940s, the site was a dumping ground for tarlike petroleum waste containing sulfuric acid. The waste was moved and buried in trenches prior to construction of the subdivision in the late 1950s.

Concerned about lingering health risks, the state Department of Toxic Substances Control started an investigation in 1987. The state turned jurisdiction over to the federal EPA this year, which conducted an exploratory excavation in March to determine whether the waste poses a health threat to the public. Community input is needed before the agency can make its decision.


The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the South Coast College of Court Reporting (formerly Willmore Elementary School), 7122 Maple St.
