
Sununu on Ross Perot’s Candidacy


As a former naval officer and professional naval historian, I was astounded to read details from U.S. Navy officer evaluations on Ross Perot (“Officers Judged Perot Too Immature for Naval Career,” July 2).

In my experience it has been virtually impossible to obtain data from individual officer fitness reports--even if the person in question has been dead for decades. Scholars can still see only portions, for example, of similar reports on the famous--Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Rarely are they allowed access to the personnel records of more ordinary men and women in uniform.

Clearly some very special investigators with unusually privileged access have been at work on Perot’s files. Twenty years ago, in 1972, we had the “plumbers” and CREEP--the Committee to Reelect the President. Now, it would seem, we have leakers and CRAAP--the Committee to Raise Allegations Against Perot. Then Congress eventually had to investigate. Now we may need more than the “in-house” Naval Investigative Service: yet another special counsel.



Harbor City
