
Trash Train Ends a Run of Rotten Luck--Finally Finds a Home

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Associated Press

The last truckload of rotting New York City garbage left a rail yard Friday, headed for Illinois landfills before a court-ordered deadline.

The trash, which had been sitting at the Cahokia Marine Services Inc. yard since June 22, was headed for landfills at Staunton and Litchfield, said Illinois Environmental Protection Agency spokesman Dan Shomon.

St. Clair County Judge James M. Radcliffe had given Cahokia Marine and hauler TENNSV Inc. of Edmond, Okla., until midnight Friday to remove the garbage.


The trash train languished in Sauget after TENNSV lost its contract with a St. Louis trucking company to haul the garbage away. It began leaking liquids and several fires ignited before TENNSV was ordered to treat the cars and begin unloading.

Another train of garbage sat for a week during July in nearby Fairmont City. Radcliffe ordered that train moved and it wandered through three Midwest states before being sent to a New Jersey landfill.
