
A ‘Holier-Than-Thou Puzzle’ Compiled by Bush Campaign

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The Bush campaign issued a bizarre press release Sunday that stepped up the acerbic nature of communications between the Democratic and Republican candidates.

Issued under the name of deputy campaign manager Mary Matalin, the release was headlined: “Sniveling Hypocritical Democrats: Stand Up and Be Counted--On Second Thought, Shut Up and Sit Down!”

Even by political standards, it was vitriolic and snide. Designed as a question-and-answer quiz, it said it “provides ‘Slick Willie’ with a little ‘Holier Than Thou’ Sunday puzzle.” Democratic nominee Bill Clinton is a crossword fan.


Among the queries:

--”Who called George Bush a tax evader . . . ‘that fellow who claims Texas so he doesn’t have to pay taxes in Maine’?”

--”Which campaign had to spend thousands of taxpayer dollars on private investigators to fend off ‘bimbo eruptions’?”

--”Who said, ‘George Bush is a racist’?”

The answer to these, according to the Bush campaign, was Clinton, his aides or other Democrats. Several of the sharpest quotes came from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles)--including the “racist” remark--Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Democratic Party Chairman Ronald H. Brown. Even former California Gov. Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr.--who has yet to endorse Clinton--was cited. Of the 22 quotes posed as questions, only three came from Clinton.


Matalin raised a stir last week by telling an interviewer: “We’ve never said to the press that (Clinton’s) a philandering, pot-smoking draft dodger.”
