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* The dog days of campaigning.

Tom Connolly, Democratic candidate in the 77th Assembly District, was out hustling votes door-to-door in Lemon Grove over the weekend.

He approached a home known to have friendly Democratic voters. Out bounced two non-voters: a collie and a Rottweiler.

The Rottweiler took a chomp out of Connolly’s hand that bled profusely and required seven stitches to close.


“The collie was so nice, I thought I could trust the Rottweiler,” Connolly said. “I didn’t realize that the Rottweiler is a Republican.”

* That was then, this is now.

The Times’ Ralph Frammolino reported Monday that Roger Hedgecock is pushing behind-the-scenes for a mega-card room for poker players in San Diego and may make big money if the City Council goes along.

One stumbling block is that council policy is that card rooms are not in the best interests of the city and that expansion, transfer of licenses, etc. should therefore not be allowed.


The policy was approved when Hedgecock was mayor. He voted for it.

* An actress-writer from Tucson is working on a screenplay about the San Ysidro Massacre in which a crazed gunman killed 21 children and adults at a McDonald’s restaurant before he was shot by police.

Kit Kendrick has been in San Diego talking to survivors and seeking cooperation from police.

She wants Police Department documents assessing the SWAT squad handling of the 1984 incident. No decision yet on whether she’ll get them.


In the aftermath of the tragedy, the City Council asked that screenwriters, filmmakers, etc. respect the wishes of the survivors that no docudrama be attempted.

Kendrick has had two bit parts in movies and written two screenplays that have not found buyers.

She says she has no buyer yet for a San Ysidro screenplay. But her collaborator, Roy Lansdown, is a former manager of made-for-TV movies at ABC.

“The more I’ve gotten into it, the more interested I’ve become in the human drama, the people and their emotions,” Kendrick said.

I’m a Braggart; You’re Not


* Spotted in North County: a Mercedes with the plate “154 IQ.”

And the frame holder: “I’m Smart. You’re Not.”

All this and modesty, too?

* Great moments in television.

“A Current Affair” for tonight promises “numerous exclusive photos” of the Tailhook convention and interviews with two Las Vegas women who were forced to run the gantlet of drunk and raunchy aviators.

The women, identified only as Kim and Stacey, will tell of simulated sex, women being “urged” to let flyboys shave their legs, and a mock rhino penis from whence booze was dispensed (in a peculiar fashion).


“It was definitely the most rowdy party I had ever been to,” said Stacey.

* How bad have the street drunks gotten in Hillcrest?

Servall Market on University Avenue has posted a sign: “We Do Not Sell Intoxicating Beverages to Habitual Alcoholics.”

* San Diego dentist Richard Katnik finds it smart to warn his patients, in writing, not to use Super Glue in case their crowns or bridges come loose.

* It’s no surprise at Sweetwater High School that grad Gail Devers won the gold in the 100 meters at Barcelona.

Under her picture in the ’84 Sweetwater yearbook is the notation “Olympic-class athlete.”

My Dog Was Driving

And finally, from the most recent Law Enforcement Quarterly published by the San Diego County district attorney’s office, here are accident excuses culled from cop reports, insurance forms, etc.:

* Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I didn’t have.

* A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.

* I have been driving my car for 40 years when I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident.

* An invisible car came out of nowhere and struck my vehicle and vanished.

* The pedestrian had no idea which direction to go, so I ran him over.

* The indirect cause of this accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth.
