
Multilingual Ballots

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In response to: “House OKs Bill on Multilingual Ballot Material”, July 25: Last I heard, one had to be a citizen in order to vote, although I know there are some out there who would like to do away with this “silly” qualification. And to become a citizen one has to legally have some degree of proficiency in English and American history. Therefore, it is absurd that we should print ballots and voting materials in any language other than English.

Besides the complete waste of tax dollars involved in multi-language ballots, the proliferation of various languages as equal to English in this country will lead to the “Balkanization” of the U.S.A. One need only look at what’s happening in the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and, closer to home, Quebec, to see how multiple languages in one country separate people from one another and cause problems.


Los Angeles
