
Oh Does Not Represent All Korean-Americans

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I wish to thank Garry Abrams for his article on Angela Oh (“Out of Chaos, a New Voice,” July 20). This article offers a rare glimpse of a political demigod in the making.

Oh gives Abrams several fine examples of the prejudices and bigotry she harbors toward white America. For example, Oh charges that white mainstream America is abandoning Los Angeles because of a fear of diversity. Yet Oh herself admits to a hesitation in returning to Los Angeles from the tranquillity of Northern California. So when whites leave, it’s from fear, but for Oh, it’s a matter of tranquillity.

Oh then creates a scapegoat for the tensions between African-Americans and Korean-Americans. She warns that “forces” are at work to widen the existing schism between the two groups. Of course, the word forces is nothing more than a racial code word for whites.

If Angela Oh truly represents the leadership now forming in the Korean community, they are in for big trouble in the future. From what I can determine, she is nothing more than another professional victim seeking her own 15 minutes of fame by finger pointing, while telling others they don’t have to accept personal responsibility for their own actions. Radical leftist ideology, such as Oh’s, is better found in leadership roles in North Korea, rather than in Los Angeles.



