
Q & A : If Only We Had an 8-Day Week . . .

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Question: What would you do with an extra day off?

Tony Bill, producer/director:

I’d get in my airplane and go flying. It’s a Pitts, an aerobatic biplane. I’m practicing for the national aerobatic championships--loops, rolls and spins, things like that. I’d fly to Santa Paula, that’s where the practice area is. I’d fly for a couple of hours and fly back.

Raymond Lee, stylist:

I’d go up to the country, somewhere quiet, somewhere near Ventura, before Santa Barbara, or in the same area as the Madonna Inn, near Hearst Castle. I can’t remember the name of the towns, I just know how to find them. There’s some old shops and coffee shop diners. It’s really American. You go on (U.S.) 101 north. It’s a good feeling.

David Brown, president of Art Center College of Design:

I’d cut up the day in thirds and spend one - third with each of my kids alone. The weekends are heavy-duty, family-together time, and it would be nice to have time with the kids one-on-one. Johanna is 15. Garrett is 11. Meredith is 4. This is the era of family values, right?


Vicki Reynolds, Beverly Hills City Council member (and past mayor):

I’ve sort of adopted a Native American family from the Santa Domingo reservation in New Mexico. I’d spend some time visiting with them , taking them around the city. I’d also stay home alone, undisturbed and undistracted, to do things that need my attention. Work in the garden, organize my memorabilia from my year as mayor, catch up on my leisure reading, maybe even cook dinner.

Dale Franzen, lyric soprano, L.A. Opera:

I have coffee at Starbucks on Main Street. Then I meet a friend and go for a walk on the beach. Then we go the Getty where we see the O’Keeffe photographs by Stieglitz. Then we have lunch at Bikini where we sit outside on the patio. Then I sneak away either for a facial or a matinee of a foreign film. Then I go home, happy and exhausted to, play with my 1-year-old, Olivia, and make a family dinner that we eat al fresco in the garden. Notice this whole thing is about food.
