
Rothbard on Democrats

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So Prof. Murray Rothbard thinks Gov. Clinton is Sen. George McGovern in centrist’s clothing (Column Right, July 30). This is indeed an interesting concept. Why then, does the governor of a “right to work” state impress me as being a conservative in centrist’s clothing? Never having been a Reagan Democrat, I am left a bit cold.

I saw the recent Democratic love fest as the most conservative ever, with its overt courting of the white middle-class male and its repudiation of unions and minorities.

The professor’s portrayal of Hillary Clinton as some overgrown campus radical completely belies her ties to the corporate elite in and out of Arkansas. “Very leftist”? Indeed. “Leftist ACLU type lawyers in the mode of Hillary”? C’mon, professor, let’s get real. How many ACLU types are in the corporate shill biz?


And finally, “a vote for Clinton is a vote to destroy the last vestige of parental control and responsibility in America.” Well, I guess I better retain a lawyer now in anticipation of my children’s “malpractice lawsuit,” because somewhere else in the same issue there was a story on the current opinion poll figures in Orange County. We seem to think it is time for a change.


Costa Mesa
