
* Thomas McIntyre; Former Senator From New Hampshire

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Thomas McIntyre, 77, the former Democratic senator from New Hampshire who pressed for national health care and other social reforms. A Democrat in a conservative, heavily Republican state, McIntyre was elected to three Senate terms before losing in 1978 to Republican Gordon Humphrey. He said afterward that he had gotten lax about campaigning. “I can’t ever remember anybody questioning his decency, honesty or integrity, and I think that says something about him,” said former Rep. Norm D’Amours, a New Hampshire Democrat who served in Congress with McIntyre in the late 1970s. McIntyre, a decorated infantry major in World War II, was first elected to the Senate in 1962 to complete the term of the late Republican Sen. Styles Bridges. During much of his tenure McIntyre championed such consumer issues as interest-bearing checking accounts, better Social Security benefits and tax breaks for child care and solar energy. In West Palm Beach, Fla., on Saturday of pneumonia.
