
COUNTYWIDE : D.A. Hams It Up for Fund-Raiser


That was no baby that Dist. Atty. Michael D. Bradbury kissed on the snout Monday to publicize a fund-raising drive for abused children.

More like baby back ribs.

In a variation on a traditional political practice, Ventura County’s top prosecutor puckered up and planted a smooch on the snout of a pot-bellied pig, kicking off a decidedly non-traditional contest.

Bradbury is the honorary chairman of the Kiss-A-Pig contest, a fund-raising drive by the Court Appointed Special Advocates of Ventura County. A private, nonprofit group, CASA trains volunteers to serve as court-appointed advocates for abused and neglected children.


In the contest, which began Monday, three elected officials and a radio personality have volunteered to solicit votes--in the form of donations--during the campaign. The candidate who raises the most funds wins the right to kiss a 500-pound hog at the Ventura County Fair rodeo on Aug. 29.

Competing in the Kiss-A-Pig contest are KBBY deejay Shana Campbell, Ventura Mayor Greg Carson, Ventura County Supervisor Susan K. Lacey and Ventura Councilman Gary Tuttle.

Piggybank donation boxes will be at Inside Track, 1410 E. Main St. in Ventura, and at the CASA office in room 407 of the Ventura Hall of Justice. Information on other locations is available by calling 654-3597.

Bradbury hammed it up for photographers at Monday’s news conference, demonstrating the familiarity with pigs that he developed growing up on a ranch. After the marathon nose-to-snout photo opportunity, Bradbury had one request: mouthwash.

The contest winner will kiss a hog that resides at the Ojai Honor Farm, said CASA Director Susan Jo Fine. “He will get time off for good behavior” when the time comes for the winning kiss, she said.
