
Public School Spending


As a teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District facing a 17.5% pay cut this year, I would like to comment on “Where Do School Funds Go?” (by Daniel Weintraub, Aug. 2). The current economic crisis in California has exposed what most of my colleagues and I have known for some time and that is that except for a few districts, many school districts in this state waste money. Sure, the pay cut bothers me, but what annoys me more is that for far too long numerous districts have been inefficient, ineffective and irresponsible with our tax dollars. My own district, for example, has a plethora of overlapping programs and redundant positions.

Can anything be done to make school districts more streamlined? Yes, but it will take patience and dialogue on everyone’s part. In the meantime I will continue to do something I enjoy and feel very privileged to do and that is to teach children.

