
Park Neighbors Aren’t Violent


Lew Snow’s comment in your Aug. 9 article on Orcas Park in Lake View Terrace, that “a number of people in the community . . . would like to see a small thermonuclear device dropped on the park,” does not represent the views of the majority of citizens in this area.

Lake View Terrace is a well integrated area of neighbors of all colors and beliefs and ethnic origins, who have joined together in recycling campaigns, clean-up and anti-graffiti days and who joined together in an amazing effort to keep this area quiet during the rioting that followed the verdict in the Rodney G. King matter.

It is regrettable that someone who does not live near the park, as we do, would attribute a desire for violence to the neighbors of Lake View Terrace, who have already endured worldwide publicity because of the unfortunate violent incident that occurred right in our back yards.


HILTON and EILEEN BARRY, Lake View Terrace
