
Financial Crisis in Rancho Palos Verdes

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The subject is Rancho Palos Verdes’ current financial crisis. I am suggesting that all residents of Rancho Palos Verdes read the article titled “He Says It’s Time to Put Up or Shut Down” in the Sunday, Aug. 16, Metro/South Bay Section of the Los Angeles Times. It does the job of focusing our attention on the main issues.

My husband and I did vote for the parcel tax and we were surprised and disappointed when it failed to pass. It seems that it was the victim of emotional reactions against the Rancho Palos Verdes Council. We know that intelligent human beings must deal with their frustrations, angers and irritations on a case-by-case basis, appropriately. Our feelings, no matter how heartfelt, must not interfere with reason. The fact is that our city needs money to meet our needs. The reasons for our having formed a city still exist. If we did not have this one we would be spending time, effort and money to form one. As a plus-30-year resident of the Peninsula, I ask you to contrast our present situation of having access to our local government with what it would be (and was) like with having to go to the County Board of Supervisors if it were our governing body. I shudder and I hope you do also.

We have a new and, I believe, competent city manager and we have elected some new council members. Why not see what they can do if they have the necessary tools?



Rancho Palos Verdes
