
Former SDSU Coach Files Claim for $1.75 Million

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Sacramento-based attorney Kirk Boyd, representing former San Diego State women’s volleyball coach Rudy Suwara, filed a claim to the state Board of Control on Wednesday against SDSU; Fred Miller, SDSU athletic director; Jayne Hancock, an SDSU associate athletic director; and Myles Gabel, new SDSU women’s volleyball coach.

The claim, for $1.75 million in damages, alleges, among other things, that Miller, Hancock and Gabel conspired to “induce breach of contract” with Suwara. The claim also leaves open the possibility that others at SDSU will be brought in as defendants.

“I’m disappointed the university never chose to bargain with me,” Suwara said. “I’m disappointed we had to go to court. I just hope the truth is proven to be that the university didn’t deal with me fairly, and that Fred Miller unfairly fired me while I was one of the leading coaches at the university.”


Miller, who did not wish to comment, contends that Suwara, who made more than $70,000 last year, was let go because of the state’s ongoing budget crunch.
