
High Life : A Summer Without . . .

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Responses gathered by Shara Cohen

Many students finish school in June looking forward to three months of rest and relaxation. Others set their sights on accomplishing something before they return to the daily grind of school in September.

Unfortunately, some goals are unattainable, or summertime simply passes too quickly.

Hot Topics wonders, “What’s the one thing you wanted to do over this summer vacation but didn’t?”

“I wanted to rise to a position of extreme wealth, power and admiration and revolutionize world political systems and promote racial equality, but instead I had to be an exterminator.” Ryan Gross, 17, senior, Huntington Beach


“The thing I really wanted to do this summer was to visit my dad in Hawaii. We usually go snorkeling and hiking, but this year it was just too expensive.” Zachary Sifuentes, 17, senior, Troy

“I wanted to go to Magic Mountain, to Medieval Times, to Wild Rivers--and naked bungee jumping while I’m at it.” Chaghig Minassian, 17, senior, Sunny Hills

“If only I could have become more involved in the areas of soul redemption and terminal bliss, but instead I bought a yo-yo and it pretty much kept me busy all summer.” Joe Haney, 17, senior, Huntington Beach


“I didn’t work as much as I wanted to. I would have liked to get more hours and more money.” Amber Howle, 17, senior, Esperanza

“I would have liked to take a trip to Berkeley, and I would have liked to finish my script, ‘A Message to the President.’ ” Jonathan Klein, 17, senior, El Dorado

“I wanted to be a belly dancer on a table in a Moroccan restaurant or spend a week at Lake Havasu water-skiing with a bunch of friends.” Elizabeth Green, 17, senior, Villa Park


“I didn’t get a job.” Danny Vogel, 17, senior, Los Alamitos

“I didn’t get to pull myself together for next year.” Scott Tang, 16, senior, Huntington Beach

“I didn’t have time this summer to prepare for my senior year . . . darn.” Erick Sowell, 16, senior, Marina

“I would have liked to travel more, overseas to Europe and that area.” Alicia Cypress, 18, senior, Irvine

“I didn’t get a chance to read the two assigned Advanced Placement English reading books.” Stephanie Kurkjian, 16, senior, Los Alamitos

“I didn’t get tickets to Lollapalooza.” Morgan Howard, 17, senior, Huntington Beach

“I didn’t get to see the Olympics in person in Barcelona.” Evan Diensthag, 17, senior, Los Alamitos

“I didn’t get to go on a vacation.” Jennie Hong, 15, junior, Huntington Beach

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What do you need for the first day of school?”
