
Some of GOP Bastion’s Leading Lights Poised to Back Clinton

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Even as Orange County delegates cheered President Bush at the GOP convention Thursday night, several prominent Republicans sitting out the convocation were poised to dramatically abandon him in favor of Democratic challenger Bill Clinton.

County Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder, developer Kathryn Thompson and Western Digital Chairman Roger W. Johnson are among seven Republicans whose switch to Clinton is scheduled to be announced today at a press conference in Newport Beach, according to Clinton’s statewide campaign director, John Emerson.

Announcements of similar switches to Clinton by Republicans are to occur in 17 other states, with California and Orange County serving as the centerpieces, Clinton campaign aides said.


The expected defections could add a wrinkle to the battle for Orange County, which GOP strategists count on to offset Democratic Party pluralities in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Several recent polls have found Clinton running well in Orange County.

Clinton spokesman Jay Ziegler said the anticipated defections show that “Bush is having serious trouble in the breadbasket of Republican votes.”

But county GOP Executive Director Greg Haskin said the announcements do not signify a major shift of county Republicans to Clinton.


Thompson, the chief executive officer of a Fortune 500 company, and Johnson, a member of Bush’s “Team 100” club of large contributors, have indicated their willingness to back Clinton for several months. They have hosted two visits by the Arkansas governor despite stiff criticism from their GOP friends and associates.
