
A Correction

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I would like to correct an erroneous piece of information that appeared in your paper about me under the (headline) “Police Called to Quell Clash at Mosque” (Aug. 24) referring to a gathering of Muslims that took place at the Islamic Society of Orange County in Garden Grove on Sunday, Aug. 23.

An anonymous informer gave the information to your reporter that I was “removed from the mosque by police.” This did not happen at all. I went inside the mosque peacefully, greeting and shaking hands with my people. After the gathering, we prayed together, I embraced many people who came near me and then I left-- without any interference from the police. We have a videotape of the event from the beginning to the end.

Your reporter also should not have judged me “a controversial, executive director.” He could have said “controversial according to some” or he should have identified those individuals or groups. Whether you work in the political arena or in religion, in public service there is no one who is liked by every person.


