
Hebron Massacre


In response to Mark Fineman’s article on Hebron (“Arab-Israeli Conflict’s Key Question: Whose Land Claims Are Real Ones?” Aug. 29):

As part of my family had lived in Hebron since the late 1880s and were part of that Jewish community, I feel the need to write. While Fineman makes some valid points, his article contains at least one gross misstatement of the facts.

He writes of “The Arab attack (in 1929), that killed several Jews. . . .” This “attack” was in fact a massacre in which 67 unarmed Jewish men, women and children were slaughtered and another 60 wounded. Many were Yeshiva students. These figures are a matter of public record. The Jewish community was utterly destroyed and all synagogues were razed. This marked the end of the Hebron Jewish community that had lived for centuries in what was one of the four holy cities for Jews.


ELIYAHU HONIG, Beverly Hills
