
Drug Legalization Would Mean More Tax Revenue, Less Crime


Only an idiot, someone who owes his/her job to the criminal justice system, or someone brainwashed by the establishment would be against the legalization of drugs.

Does anyone with an IQ over 70 really believe we would see the end of civilization if we legalized drugs? How many people die each year from drug overdoses? How many people die each year in accidents caused by people high on dope? Well, hold onto your socks, because it’s about 600,000 fewer than die each year from alcohol- and tobacco-related causes!

Why aren’t alcohol and tobacco illegal? Because (a) we’re retarded, (b) the alcohol and tobacco industries are very powerful and pump zillions of dollars into politicians’ pockets every year, (c) those same industries spend billions of dollars a year in advertising, (d) the government receives a lot of money in taxes from those products, (e) it’s important to keep minorities (and kids) hooked on alcohol and tobacco so old, white, conservative men can continue to exploit them, (f) we’re hypocrites, (g) all of the above.


What would we see if drugs were legalized? Less crime, empty jails, additional revenue raised by taxing drugs like we do alcohol and tobacco, peace officers going after real criminals and fewer TV shows filming 27 cops who, after an 18-month investigation, break into someone’s house and find two grams of coke and half a joint of marijuana.

Are these things bad?


