
And She Thought Murphy Had Labor Pains


The article on English brings up the old question about how liberal a liberal Democrat should be. Independent production can be rough, and non-union crafts have often been a major part of the cure. However, it presents a dilemma for a woman like English, who seems to welcome being high-profile.

Shall she embrace the claimed policy of the Democratic Party and support labor, the working man and woman, the blue collars, or think of profit and be the hard-nosed employer, businesswoman--slave to the almighty dollar?

Obviously she made the decision that both Republican and Democratic producers have to make when money is tight. It isn’t hypocrisy unless you’ve been running around proclaiming yourself a liberal--generous, kind, caring and compassionate.


English does have courage. As a member of a community that has been in the front line informing the citizenry they must practice safe sex, she bravely presented a lead character who didn’t.

Perhaps the “Murphy Brown” publicity was financially worth violating liberal-democratic principles.


Los Angeles
