
Jobs Aced Out by Spineflower


The bureaucrats have been stewing over the Los Angeles International Golf Club’s environmental impact report for about four years and now they say that the developer’s idea to set aside 65 acres for the weed-like spineflower is not enough.

What do these secure bureaucrats have against jobs for the young? Over the years, the anti-development “no-growthers” have virtually stopped development with all their government regulation and intervention. We all are now reaping the harvest of their effort to put housing beyond the reach of almost everyone.

The federal government owns more than 1,000 square miles of public lands immediately to the east of this golf course site. To the west, they own several more square miles in the Hansen Dam Recreation Area.


Are they telling the people that this spineflower does not exist in any other place?

Have they looked?

Let’s have some common sense. If this spineflower is so precious, let the bureaucrats search for them within all their public lands. Bureaucrats think more of bugs and weeds than they do of jobs and people.

JOE ADAMS, Sunland
